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Planting Shrubs On My Balcony

I live in an apartment with a large balcony. Its north facing and gets winter sun only. What shrub can I plant in a pot that will be attractive/showy?

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Willow Arch

The willow arch in my garden is covered all over in black flies, is this usual? How do I get rid of it without chemicals?


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Do ornamental conifers only last a certain length of time? I have a 20 year old yellowy green conifer with white cones about 10 feet tall. Although the greenery is perfectly healthy, the branches are becoming very splayed out causing it to lose its' shape. I have tied up some of the branches to help prevent this but it is too big for me to do this effectively and heavy rain or snow is going to make this worse. Is it time for it to be removed or would a professional tree surgeon be able to do something with it to get it back in shape?

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Damage to Clematis Vine

My neighbour has severly damaged my 17 year old Clematis Armandii, my olny option is to cut it right back, will it survive

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leave fold on Jujube

I have a Jujube tree which I planted this Spring. I find its leaves folded and some tured to yellow. I water the tree every three or four days. I wonder what problem causes these leaves folded?


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red bug

I have red bugs on my lilies, this seems to be happening all over the neighborhood. It was suggestd that we spray with sevin. So doing this do I wait and cut back the plant after there is no sign of the bugs anymore and then spray around the base and the soil? As I have heard these insects will go into the soil and come back the following season. Which I hope will not be the case. Thanks, looking forward to your reply. wpg. mb. can.

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Hydrangea With An Orange Vine On It

My hydrangea had a orange colored vine starting to grow on it late in the season last year. Thus year it has completely taken it over. I don't know what the vine is or how to get rid of it without killing the hydrangea. Should I just kill all of it and replant?

Dodder on shrub.jpg

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Gardening, soil condition

I have some foamy stuff on the soil surface around my plants. what is it?

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Pumpkin Plants

I noticed some silver/grey on the leaves of some of my plants it does not appear to be affecting anything at this point just curious about what it maight be.

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Star Magnolia Blooming!

Due to the drought, my star magnolia has dropped many leaves but yesterday, I noticed it is actually blooming which normally happens only in spring before any leaves appear. What is going on??? I am in Kansas City, by the way.

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Shasta Daisy

My shasta daisy is growing great, but no blooms. Last year it bloomed, this is its 2nd year. Any ideas? I've watered it regularly and it gets lots of sun.

Shasta Daisy.jpg

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Scindapsus plants

Do Scindapsus plants grow faster in water or soil?


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