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About This Site
PlantLifeOnline is designed to give gardeners a place to search for the perfect plant for any location in your landscape. Our unique search capabilities allow you to search for the perfect plant using a number of specific criteria that give you the ability to find just the right plant for any situation. It is also a place for you to learn from your fellow gardeners, you can share tips about plants and how they grow best in the comment section found with each plant. In addition to sharing tips you can also share pictures of plants you are proud of, a beautifully grown specimen deserves to be shared with others. Plant Life Online is also a place to have questions answered by experts; your questions will benefit others, as the questions and answers will be displayed for all to learn from.
As many of you know there a lot of plants out there and our goals are to provide you with information about all of them. We are adding new plants everyday so be sure to keep coming back. If there are plants you would like to see on PlantLifeOnline feel free to let us know by going to our contact page and sending us an e-mail. We would also like to hear about any suggestion for articles that you think would benefit you and your fellow gardeners.
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EcoForms Herb Garden Kit
$14.95Mini Herb Pail
$12.99Soji Pod Lanterns