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Alison asks:


Do ornamental conifers only last a certain length of time? I have a 20 year old yellowy green conifer with white cones about 10 feet tall. Although the greenery is perfectly healthy, the branches are becoming very splayed out causing it to lose its' shape. I have tied up some of the branches to help prevent this but it is too big for me to do this effectively and heavy rain or snow is going to make this worse. Is it time for it to be removed or would a professional tree surgeon be able to do something with it to get it back in shape?


Most conifers are very long lived however it is not uncommon for them to lose there tight uniform shape. There are arborist around the country that specialize in aesthetic pruning and should be able to help save your conifers.

Happy Gardening, thanks for the questions!

Plant Life Online

Pruning isn't really what is needed, I need a way of pulling all the branches inwards and securing them as that will return it to its' original shape

Securing the plant with ties will be only a temporary fix, it is not likely the conifer will ever return to its original tight shape.

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