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Gardening Questions Answered, Free Expert Plant Advice
Recently Asked Questions:
I have tomato plants in plastic containers in my garden will gophers chew through the plastic?
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Substitute Plants for Flax
What can I substitute New Zealand Flax with in zone 5? I would like something that is controllable.
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Cherry Blossom Plum Tree
Hi I have what looks like a plum tree and a chreey blossom tree growing from the same root it looks like the plum tree has started to grow out of the main trunk of the cherry blossom.. how does this happen. Thanks Maighreadh
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Pool Soil
My parents and I have had a pool in our backyard for more than 16 years,and every time we cleaned it we had pool chemicals and dirty water(like swamp water) land on this soil,and I have taken an interest in Gardening now,and i do not know if i can use this soil,please reasond back to me.Thanks
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Soil Adjustment
I live in North Louisiana and grow giant watermelons.I need to add Magnesium,boron,and copper to my soil.How do I do this without disturbing the other nutrients that are where I want them?
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Snowdrops Bulbs
How can I get Snowdrops to flower in early September. Do I need to dig them out now to freeze them?
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Tulip Bulbs
I live in Ontario Canada where the ground is now frozen. Some stores still have tulip bulbs for sale ar great discounts. Can I buy them and store them. Should I plant them in the spring or store them till next fall Thanks
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Pruning Butterfly Bush
When should I prune by butterfly bushes? I live in Alabama
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Jacaranda tree
I have a recently planted jacaranda tree with a central doesnt seem to be branching out its about 10 feet tall now. Should I pinch back the top to force branching?
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I purchased a summer glow tamarisk last year. I reside in Northwestern Ontario. My problem is that a few of the branches seem to be dying off and all the garden sites say that either it likes moderate water or very dry conditions. Also it states to add mulch around it but do not place near the trunk. Can anyone help me on the watering and the mulch .
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Leaf fall on Prunus Kansans
Why did my prunus lose its leaves early last year and is very lacking in leaf now?
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