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Gardening Questions Answered, Free Expert Plant Advice

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Miss Kim Lilac

I have a Miss Kim Lilac that has ALOT of blooms, but they are not opening. I do not fertilize this plant. What am I doing wrong?? I live in SE Michigan.

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Lilac Shrub Won't Bloom

Why has my lilac never flowered?

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Excavated earth

I have recently had a huge amount of earth dug out from under the concrete floor of a barn and cow shed. It was dug down to about 4 feet, 1.3 meters. It is now sat on an uneven grass lawn and i was hoping to use the earth to level the garden. Is this earth any good for growing grass or anything else? Thanks, Rob

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Japanese Maples

I have a pot with 3 Japanese maples (~3 1/2' height). When I place in ground can I separate the three?

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I have been trying to find out what this bush is called and no one can give me a definitive answer. Please help! I love it and want to get some for my home!


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cucumber beetles

Last fall I tried to grow cucumbers. I had harvested a few cucumbers when the cucumbers were infested with cucumber beetles. I used Sesame oil to try to control them but it did not work. The infestation just got worse.They completely destroyed the plants. How can I control the cucumber beetles?

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Identifying a species

I live in Hercules, CA and I see around town and down the coast the attached bush with large purple plumes. Can you tell me what this is???


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Melaleuca Tree

Melaleuca Tree has almost died from lack of watering there are a few buds coming through afer feeding & watering for 4 weeks. Should it be cut back of left alone? thank you

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Southern Maine Coastal I brought my geraniums in last fall in pots, placed them in my sunroom and they are thriving/blooming. To reintroduce them to the outside this late spring must I cut them back at all? Is so, by how much? They are not leggy but nice and full

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leggy plants

I bought plug plants of surfinia but the greenhouse wasent ready they have been in house and now they are very leggy, will they be any good?

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Gardening In Clay Soil

Most all gardening instructions start by saying choose (a well- drained soil) . I have several acres for gardening on top of a small hill. There are 8 to 12 inches of pretty good top soil and then one to three feet of hard red clay. The clay is pretty well imperious, so I don’t have the option of choosing a well-drained soil. I have trouble with my septic system because water will not percolate through the red clay. I do not garden over the septic system. The clay seems to be okay for growing things, when I scattered it on top of the ground while trying to repair my septic system, grass grew on it well, and was very dark green. What should I do about growing a garden in this situation?

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Strange Sappy strings and rings

Last year my english roses developed strange sappy strings with little rings that hung from the bottom of the strings. I would discover this in the mornings....there were many coming down from all parts of the roses. Does anyone know what this is?


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