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Where can I obtain seeds from a Red-flowering Mimosa?

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Plants Going Limp

I just transported my cal lily into two seperate pots with new soil and fertilizer it was multiplying so I had to put them in two different pots now they are limp after a couple hours what can I do to fix this?

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Where do plants get their free nucleotides from?

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Ipomoea (morning glory)

I have nipped this flower at 4 inches it is now 10 inches should I stop it again?

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Planting Sunflower Seeds

I live in zone 6, can I sprinkle a mixture of various sunflower seeds on prepared soil now? (March 1)

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Moss on hedges

How can I get rid of moss growing on a hawthorn hedge with damaging the hedge itself (which is now showing signs of new growth) It is not possible to pull the moss out by hand or to cut it out as it firmly embedded. Many thanks

Moss 2.jpg

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Getting Rid of Boneset

I have been invaded with boneset how can I get rid of it without hurting my perennials?

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Repairing damaged Bird of Paradise

I have two Bird of Paradise plants in my patio garden that have been damaged by my dogs. They have broken the majority of the plants leaves by running into them while playing. I have transplanted the plants to large 15 gallon ceramic pots to keep them out of harms way. How can I repair the damaged Bird of Paradise? What should I do to get these plants healthy again?

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Plant in House Fire

How can I help house plants that were in a fire? I put them in a well lite room that is 60 degrees. They did not burn but have strong odor, I want to clean them so they smell better and stay healthy.

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Concord Grape Pruning

When is the best time of year to prune our concord grape vines?

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Tomato Plants

What would cause 6 tomato plants only produce 1 or 2 tomatoes each?

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Japanese Fir

Can you cut out a small secondary tree that is growing off the root of the primary tree and transplant it?

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