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Bare Root Plum Tree

When does the bare root branches begin to budd out and is it ok to folier feed the bare branches?

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Lighting for plants

I live in a single wide mobile home. I was wondering if I could put plants (African violets and poinsettia) in between 2 north windows with 2 south windows 13' on the opposite side, if the plants would grow good? I appreciate the help!

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hass avocados trees

When planting a 6ft. to 8ft. hass avocado tree should I plant two or three with about 8-10 ft. space between each tree so they produce, pollinate, whatever the tree needs to live grow healthy?

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Growning Beans & Bean Pests

For the past 2 years everytime I plant my beans, green, yellow, etc they germinate fine, but as soon as they start to come up something is eating them. They are eating them from the top down. I have tried mouse bait, small animal traps, bird netting and nothing seams to work. I can have a whole row come up and by the next morning they are all gone. I've replanted again and again and the same thing happens. What is eating my beans. Whatever it is leaves my tomato plants alone but last year the same thing happened to my broccoli and cauliflower.

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Epiphyllum oxypetalum

We got this Epiphyllum Oxypetalum (Babe in the Manger, Dutchman's Pipe) at the beginning of last Summer. It seemed to be quite happy on the front porch, but as Winter approached it had to be brought inside. We are in Tennessee. Nearly as soon as we brought it inside, it started growing these "shoots" upward, and they have grown all Winter. As you can see, the tallest one is now nearly touching the ceiling (about 3 feet tall). My question is, what is the purpose of these shoots? Should they be trimmed? Are leaves going to grow from them eventually?


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Poinsettia, Acid?

Are poinsettias acid loving plants?

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Bare Root Trees

I bought three bare root trees online and just planted them. Is it a good time to plant bare root trees in December? Since it is winter, do I need to water them very often? When will the trees begin to grow leaves? Another company says the best time is in March, so they will wait until March to ship the bare root trees. Which opinion is more correct?

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Freedom White Poinsettia

Why is white liquid coming out of the Freedom White Poinsettia leaves?

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Where did my Hibiscus' leaves go?

I have a tropical hibiscus that I bought a little over a year ago. When I bought it, it was very full of leaves, and soon began to bloom, but over the past year it has lost most (almost all) of it's leaves. It's looking very thin. It still blooms large petals, but where have the leaves gone? It did have aphids at one time, but I began to feed it with a plant food that helped eliminate the aphids. I still try to feed it every 6 weeks or so and I water it when the soil looks dry. What can I do to get the leaves back to their fullness? I live in San Diego, so I don't think it ever gets cold enough for it to freeze, maybe in the 50's at the lowest.

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Fungus on Snapdragons

My Snapdragon have some sort of what appears to fungus developing. What is causing the fungi?

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Avocado Tree Is Fruitless

My Avocado Tree has fruited in the past but recently produces very little or no fruit, what is the problem?

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