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Oak Seedlings In My Flower Bed

I have millions of oak seedlings in my flower beds due to mast crop of acorns this year. Can I elimiate them if I cut the tops off the seedling or will they just grow back? Any other suggestions besides pulling them?

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Wisteria Surface Roots

After spring raking, many surface roots were found on top of soil around my wisteria, can I trim them back?

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MiracleGro Soil For Veggies

I mistakenly bought miraclegro potting soil for plants, shrubs, I have already used this to plant tomatoes, okra and squash. What can I expect?

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Flower Garden & Leaves

Should I take the leaves out of my Garden now that Spring is here? I left them in the garden during winter to protect the flowers. Waiting for your reply. Thanks.

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Watering schedule for Phoenix plants

My husband and I just purchased a few plants for our cactus garden. We live in Phoenix, AZ. We planted a Madagascar Palm (Pachypodium lamerei), Eve's Needle Crest (opuntia subulata cristae), Flap Jacks (Kalanchoe Luciae), and a False Saguaro (pachycereus pringlei). I know all of these plants are drought tolerant and like full sun. However I do not know how frequently to water them in the spring and summer. Everything I have read says to water thoroughly and to let the plants dry well in between waterings. What I don't know is when they have dried out enough to rewater. Should I water them once a week or once a month? I need help! Specific advise is greatly appreciated!

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jap pumkins

I recently had a crop of pumkins, now they seem to want to prouce again as I have 4 small ones on it too late?

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Seed Starting Mykos Drops

I bought a seed starting kit and included with it were these Mykos drops tea bag looking things. I was reading online that you drop them in the soil during transplanting. I was wondering if you can allow 1 or 2 to be desolved into a squirt bottle and use it to spray the soil while the seeds are germinating?

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Name of this plant?

Hello does anyone know what the name of this plant is, I had it in my old house and am keen to buy one for my new garden. Thank you.

dave's plant.JPG

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Sooty Mold

Is there a mixture I can make up to clear sooty mold from my shrubs?

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I have no flowers on my daffs this year because I cut the leaves down too soon last year I want too know if they will flower next year if I just leave them and cut them down when they are completly finished.

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Can I take cuttings of penstemons that have overwintered in cold greenhouse?

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I bought a Guamuchil tree. Can this tree grow in a dry and clay soil in Phoenix? How often do I need to water it?

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