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What Is This Plant?

jfeeneysf asks:


Can someone please let me know what this is, and how to care for it? I was told it's edible…


From your photo it appears to be an ornamental cabbage. Ornamental cabbages are edible however they are less palatable than other crop cultivars of the same species Brassica oleracea. Often referred to as flowering cabbage, the ornamental cabbage and ornamental kale are prized for their vibrant foliage color rather than flowers. Ornamental cabbages and kale are extremely cold-hardy if gradually acclimated to the cold they can tolerate temperatures below freezing. The cold temperatures will only enhance the vibrant colors or the foliage. 

Ornamental cabbage grow best in the cool fall temperatures, if temperatures are to warm plant may become leggy and relatively colorless. This appears to be the case with your specimen. Ornamental cabbage and kale are best grown as fall annuals and should be planted in late August and September, they add great color during the fall and winter. Of course if the ground freezes solid where you live they will not survive through the winter. Plant as a boarder plant or in groups in your garden for dramatic effect. Ornamental Cabbage will add great color to your garden landscape during the cool often colorless winter months. 


I believe we were told it was a collard green ... is that possible?

Yes, it very well could be a collard green which is the same Genus as the ornamental cabbage, edible cabbage, brussels sprouts and much more. It has an irregular growth pattern for a collard which could have been caused by sun (too much or too little), Heat, or some biotic factor. 

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