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Identify this plant

fgpix@ asks:


Just picked this plant up at home depot. I know it has low light requirments, but I have no idea what the plant is. It is cut like a cane plant and rooted in a moist soil mix. Can you tell me what it is so that I can provide the proper care, I bought it because I think it will make an interesting bonsai for my collection.Thanks


The plant you have there is an Aralia fabian. To care for Aralia fabian place it in a warm location ideally around 70 degree and where it receives around four hours of direct sunlight each day. Cooler temperatures can lead to leaf drop. Allow the top inch or so of the soil to dry between watering. Aralia fabian have a small amount of roots and cannot absorb water very quickly, overwatering can lead to rot and eventually death, make sure the pot has good drainage. During the growing season fertilize monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer at the recommended rate.

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