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Questions & Answers


Betty asks:


My rhubarb is 3 years old but has never grown to big size. What could be wrong? Damp ground, mulched, fertilized.


Sounds like you are caring for the Rhubarb pretty well however your garden soil type could be working against your rhubarb like moist soil as long as they are well drained. Rhubarb grows best in partial-shaed to full-sun in fertile, sandy, humus-rich, slightly acidic, medium moisture, well-drained soils. If that sounds like your soil then perhaps your climate is not ideal for rhubarb which does best gardens with cool summer climates where temperatures stay below 75 degrees on average. Temperatures above 75 degrees will often cause the plant to decline.

It is also important to remove all flower stalks from the plant as they develop. Once the plant set flowers they have reached their maturity and will slow the development process. By removing the flower sets you trick the plant into thinking it still needs to grow.

Good Luck! Happy Gardening!

Plant Life Online


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