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One area of a garden bed won't allow any plant to survive

jbrean@ asks:


We have a garden bed south facing which has one particular area that has not allowed any plant to survive. We have planted a hedge of low growing evergreens, roses, and now lantana, and that one space is obviously sparse. We planted a new lantana plant about two weeks ago, and he looks like he won't make it, while all the other plants are robustly growing. Is it sun exposure, or soil? Any ideas?


I would have to think it is the soil, all the plants you mentioned are very hardy and should not be affected by the exposure. How much water is the planting bed receiving? Over and under watering can both lead to the demise of newly planted plants. I recommend using a soil probe or digging down near the rootball of the lantana, how the soil moisture? Even though lantana is drought tolerant for the first six moths to a year they will need regular water, soil should be moist but well-drained.

Try tilling in humus rich organic matter or manure to increase the nutrients in the garden bed.

There are companies in most cities that will test your soil for nutrients and contaminates for a small fee.

Thanks for your gardening question, Happy Gardening!

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