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Search Results

ScientificCommonUSDA ZonesExposuresort iconTypeHeightSpread
Betula papyrifera 'Oeni'Renaissance Oasis Paper Birch3a - 7bFull sunTrees50 to 75'30 to 40'
Betula papyrifera 'renci'Renaissance Reflection Paper Birch3a - 7bFull sunTrees50 to 75'20 to 30'
Betula papyrifera 'Varen'Prairie Dream Paper Birch2a - 7bFull sunTrees40 to 50'Under 1'
Betula pendula 'Youngii'Young's Weeping Birch3a - 9bFull sunTrees15 to 20'10 to 15'
Betula pendula 'Dalecarlica'Weeping Cut Leaf Birch2a - 6bFull sunTrees30 to 40'20 to 30'
Betula platyphylla 'Fargo'Dakota Pinnacle Birch3a - 7bFull sunTrees20 to 30'6 to 10'
Betula populifolia 'Whitespire'Whitespire Birch4a - 9bFull sunTrees30 to 40'20 to 30'
Buxus 'Green Mountain'Green Mountain Boxwood4a - 8bFull sunShrubs3 to 6'3 to 6'
Buxus 'Green Velvet'Green Velvet Boxwood4a - 8bFull sunShrubs2 to 3'2 to 3'
Buxus microphylla japonica 'Green Beauty'Green Beauty Boxwood5a - 5bFull sunShrubs3 to 6'3 to 6'