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Plants - Perennials

ScientificCommonUSDA Zonessort iconExposureTypeHeight     Spread     
Agapanthus 'Storm Cloud'Lily of the Nile8a - 11Full sunPerennials3 to 6'1 to 2'
Lantana camara.pngLantana camaraLantana8a - 11+Full sunPerennials2 to 3'2 to 3'
Poinsettia.pngEuphorbia pulcherrimaPoinsettia8a - 11+Full sunPerennials6 to 10'6 to 10'
Acanthus HirsutusBear's Breech8a - 10bFull sunPerennials2 to 3'2 to 3'
geranium maderense.pngGeranium maderense Geranium 8a - 9bFull sunPerennials3 to 6'3 to 6'
Orange Libertia.jpgLibertia peregrinansOrange Libertia8a - 11Full sunPerennials1 to 2'1 to 2'
Agapanthus.jpgAgapanthus africanusLilly of the Nile9a - 10bFull sunPerennials2 to 3'1 to 2'
Acanthus spinosus syriacusBear's Breech9a - 11Full sunPerennials1 to 2'1 to 2'
Ledebouria cooperi.jpgLedebouria cooperiLedebouria9a - 10bFull sunPerennialsUnder 1'Under 1'