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Plants - Perennials

ScientificCommonUSDA ZonesExposureTypeHeight     sort iconSpread     
Agapanthus 'Peter Pan'Lily of the Nile8a - 11Full sunPerennials1 to 2'1 to 2'
Gladiolus murielae.jpgGladiolus murielaeAbyssinian Gladiolus8a - 11+Full sunPerennials1 to 2'2 to 3'
Artemisia FrigidaSagebrush4a - 8bFull sunPerennials1 to 2'1 to 2'
Achillea tomentosa Lemon LEMON DWARF YARROW.jpgAchillea tomentosaWoolly Yarrow3a - 8bFull sunPerennials1 to 2'1 to 2'
Artemisia 'Powis Castle'Sagebrush7a - 9bFull sunPerennials1 to 2'2 to 3'
Nephrolepis cordifoliaNephrolepis cordifoliaLadder Fern7a - 9bPartial sunPerennials1 to 2'3 to 6'
Aruncus AethusifoliusGoat's Beard3a - 9bFull sunPerennials1 to 2'1 to 2'
Alchemilla Mollis 'Auslese'Lady's Mantle4a - 7bFull sunPerennials1 to 2'2 to 3'
Alchemilla Mollis 'Thriller'Lady's Mantle4a - 7bFull sunPerennials1 to 2'2 to 3'
Acanthus spinosus syriacusBear's Breech9a - 11Full sunPerennials1 to 2'1 to 2'