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Plants - Perennials

ScientificCommonUSDA ZonesExposureTypesort iconHeight     Spread     
Myosotis scorpioides.pngMyosotis scorpioidesWater Forget Me Not3a - 9bFull sunPerennialsUnder 1'Under 1'
Asclepias incarnataSwamp Milkweed3a - 9bFull sunPerennials3 to 6'1 to 2'
Althaea CannabinaHollyhock3a - 9bFull sunPerennials3 to 6'1 to 2'
Achillea Ageratum 'Appleblossom''Yarrow3a - 10bFull sunPerennials2 to 3'1 to 2'
Achillea ClypeolataYarrow3a - 9bFull sunPerennials1 to 2'Under 1'
Helena's Blush Euphorbia.pngEuphorbia amygdaloides hybridHelena Spurge4b - 11Full sunPerennialsUnder 1'Under 1'
Asclepias incarnata 'Ice Ballet'Swamp Milkweed3a - 9bFull sunPerennials3 to 6'1 to 2'
Amsonia 'Blue Ice'Amsonia5a - 9bFull sunPerennials1 to 2'1 to 2'
Achillea millefolium 'Coronation Gold'Yarrow3a - 9bFull sunPerennials2 to 3'1 to 2'
Lobelia cardinalis.pngLobelia cardinalisCardinal Flower2a - 8bFull sunPerennials3 to 6'2 to 3'